Saturday, December 7, 2013

Three Things I Learned and Advice

Three most important things I learned this semester:
1) It is possible to improv on a presentation, you feel much better about yourself if you actually take the time to prepare.
2) A good resume is the key to getting an interview. Put the things that look the best for you in plain view.
3) When writing a paper, chose a topic that you're interested in, make a clear outline, and do not go overboard on writing.

One piece of advice for students next semester:
This class is not hard to pass if you actually take the time to try, it is best to do the assignments when they are due or you will forget and have twelve-ish blog posts to write the last day. I watched it happen, it is not pretty.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Final Class

This week marks the final week of classes and I could not be happier. That means my floor has 5 more opportunities to turn the lights off on my while I shower, which I was lucky enough to experience yet again not ten minutes ago.

But, on to the main topic. The final class period means the evaluation of class. It was both a blessing and a curse that Dr. Wilkes played off that he cared very little about the class. It meant that I could present without being nervous out of my skin. But it also meant that guidelines for things were often not well defined.

The assignments were not overall difficult, but they did allow for lots of presentation practice and even some chances to learn things about ourselves. The final paper was by far the most difficult assignment, as I am having trouble not making it fifteen pages. Mine is currently five pages and I have not covered even half of the topics I was hoping to cover, so it looks as if I will be cutting some things.

I was disappointed in the lack of farm stories. They are not related to class in the last but they were one of my favorite things about discrete math. I am from Creston, so seeing pictures and hearing stories of the things I grew up with brings back memories. Though, that is just a personal preference and probably would have cut into class time.

This class prompted me to get my first professional interview, which was both nerve-wracking and exciting in one. I am  highly disappointed that in my job search I realized that to get a good Computer Science job it looks as though I will have to move away. After moving at least fourteen times in my life I thought my most recent move was going to be the last, but on the up side.. if I get a bigger house, I can have more cats!

As a treat, here are my pets, who are all named after Pokemon.
Meowth, he has multiplied in size though.
My gender-confused kitty, Skitty.
Shuckle, the Red-Eared Slider.